机器型号 |
部品名称 |
配件号码 |
单位 |
单价/RMB |
备注 |
密封圈 |
E240250210Z |
个 |
2.22 |
原厂新品 |
垫片 |
E245650250Z |
个 |
58.5 |
原厂新品 |
止动环 |
E225700130A |
个 |
2.40 |
原厂新品 |
、DAIHATSU DL-24 喷油泵、DAIHATSU DL-24 喷油嘴、DAIHATSU DL-24 主轴齿轮、DAIHATSU DL-24 齿圈、DAIHATSU DL-24 连杆大端衬套、DAIHATSU DL-24 俄罗斯、DAIHATSU DL-24 滑油泵、DAIHATSU DL-24 研磨机、DAIHATSU DL-24 工具、DAIHATSU DL-24 齿条、DAIHATSU DL-24 价格、DAIHATSU DL-24 现货、DAIHATSU DL-24 缸盖垫片、DAIHATSU DL-24 、 When the diesel engine is under a certain load under stable operation, because the regulating mechanism of gap, friction and resistance, if the speed is changed slightly, the governor does not immediately change the fuel supply quantity. Until the speed variation is large enough, the governor can begin to adjust supply function. This phenomenon is known as the governor ‘s insensitivity. 我DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,用不灵敏度ε 表示不灵敏区域DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,大小。 Our country does not use sensitivityεsaid insensitive area size. 不灵敏度过大,会引起柴油机转速不稳定,严重时会导致调速器失去作用发生飞车。一般规定在标定转速时, ε≤(1.5~2)%;而在最低稳定转速时, ε≤(10~13)% No sensitivity is too large, will cause the engine speed is not stable, will lead to serious loss of effect of speed governor. The general provisions in the rated speed,ε= (1.5~2) %; and at the minimum stable speed,ε= (10~13). 9-2 机械式调速器 9-2mechanical governor 一、机械式调速器DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,组成 One, mechanical governor. 二、调速原理 Two, control principle 机械式调速器DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,飞重和调速弹簧组成转速感应元件,按力平衡系统工作。 Mechanical governor flying weight and speed regulating spring speed sensing element, according to the force balance system. n当柴油机发出DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,功率与外界DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,负荷刚好平衡时 N when the diesel engine is a power and external load is balanced n若外界负荷突然减小,柴油机发出DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,功率大于外界负荷时 N if the external load suddenly decreases, diesel generated power is greater than the outside load n若外界负荷突然增大,柴油机发出DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,功率小于外界负荷时 N if the outside load suddenly increases, diesel power generated is smaller than the outside load 调速器DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,动作与外界负荷减少时相反,飞重离心力和弹簧DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,作用力在彼此都减小DAIHATSU、DL-24 、密封圈、垫片、止动环、报价,情况下达到平衡状态 Governor ‘s action and the external load is reduced when a fly weight contrast, centrifugal force and spring force in both lower the equilibrium state
Originally posted 2018-02-05 13:25:00.